How do movies influence our perception of reality?
How do movies influence our perception of reality?

Explore this insightful article that unravels the profound impact of films on our understanding and interpretation of reality, diving deep into cinematic influence and its role in shaping worldviews.

Music documentaries worth watching
Music documentaries worth watching

Some of them move you to tears, others shock and sadden you, others inspire admiration – the stories of musicians, […]

The scariest movies of all time!
The scariest movies of all time!

Fans of horror movies and sudden spikes of adrenaline certainly know them all. Here are 6 scary classics of horror […]

Top Earning Actresses in Hollywood
Top Earning Actresses in Hollywood

Did you know that Jennifer Aniston is still reaping the rewards of her work on the set of “Friends” and Julia Roberts was promoted by her role as a prostitute? Meet Hollywood’s highest paid actresses!

The most profitable productions in film history
The most profitable productions in film history

What are the highest grossing movies in cinema history? Did the most profitable productions in history gather the biggest number of viewers in the cinemas? Check.

Woody Allen gave his first interview for American television in 30 years
Woody Allen gave his first interview for American television in 30 years

The American artist is once again refuting allegations that he molested one of his daughters

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