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Positioning is a multi-step process of improving the position of a selected website in the Google search engine, which Minneapolis SEO company decided to tell us more about. This process, due to its very high level of complexity, is usually carried out by interactive agencies such as SEO Phoenix agency, or Orlando SEO agency, sometimes by freelancers, and even more rarely by the entrepreneur himself. Every website after being published lands on the last places and on very far pages in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) – according to Minneapolis SEO company, the task of positioning is to lead to a situation where a given website will be if not on the first places of results, then at least on the first page.


Many people wrongly assume that the basic action to increase profits from running your own business online is to buy as many sponsored articles as possible and spend a lot of money on display advertising, such as banners and contextual advertising, which is a mistake. Webmasters Minneapolis SEO Company argue that SEO generates organic and free traffic, so the influx of new users does not involve too much money. If you do not want to rotate in the space of fake news, enter the world of interesting information about SEO, created by experts present in it, who will give you reliable knowledge.


The main assumptions of positioning


Positioning is a multi-step process and involves a lot of responsibility on the part of the company, which will undertake the task. Google’s algorithm constantly analyzes every page published on the web, points out SEO Phoenix analyst, which then becomes available to its robots that collect information about it. The positioner’s task is to fulfill, as much as possible, all the parameters important to the algorithm, which, on the basis of the data obtained by the indexing robots, calculates the position of a given page in SERPs. Each parameter is extremely important for success.


The basis? Keyword phrases!


According to the Orlando SEO team, planning a keyword strategy is actually the most important stage of SEO and involves research on the part of SEOs and a thorough understanding of the industry in question and the chosen company. Keyword phrases are short phrases in the form of queries that every internet user types into the Google search box when looking for a specific thing on the web ​​ For example, these are general and not very specific phrases such as:


  • nike men’s shoes,
  • smart shirts for men,
  • smartphones cheap apple,
  • cash loans.


On the other hand, more specific and precise queries generate the most sales, which is why Orlando SEO team focuses on them. These types of phrases, also known as long-tail, have less competition and can convert brilliantly despite a much lower number of hits to the site. These include phrases such as:


  • nike air max 43 shoes red
  • elegant xxl men’s long sleeve shirts,
  • smartphone apple iphone xs max black,
  • cash loans without bik online.


Why do such phrases convert better, i.e. generate sales and entry into direct interaction with the page? For a simple reason – these phrases are searched by a person interested in one particular product and, as a rule, after entering the page he buys it. A man typing the phrase “men’s shoes” may be looking for elegant shoes, sneakers, sports shoes for running or sandals.


Is it worth outsourcing positioning to an agency?


The first big dilemma right after setting up your own website or publishing it online is whether to opt for the offer of an interactive SEO agency or take action yourself. This choice has a huge impact on how long it takes to do SEO for online stores and why it takes faster for some and longer for others.


What speaks in favor of the agency is certainly a lot of experience and teams of top specialists in one particular field. For example, in SEO Phoenix company, it looks like some people do strategy planning, programmers make changes in the source code of the website, copywriters write texts saturated with selected key phrases, and graphic designers try to refine the UI and UX to meet the requirements of specific clients.


What are the advantages of freelancing? Much lower price, but also lower quality. As a rule, a freelancer is just one person who has to do the whole process by themselves, including making changes to the website and developing an SEO audit. This means a much higher risk of mistakes and oversights.


Handling SEO on your own, while completely free, is also the least prudent. You can find plenty of tutorials online, but it can take up to a couple of years to assimilate all the necessary knowledge, and we still can’t be sure. As a rule, Google rules change from month to month and only agencies are able to keep up with them.


Positioning of a literature store – stationary or online?


The scope of positioning depends on whether it concerns a stationary or an online store. In the case of an online store, there is standard positioning, while in the case of a stationary store, there is local positioning. It consists in positioning a given website in a specific city, region, province or county, so the key phrases usually include the location, for example “literature in Krakow” or “literature store in Poznan”. It will also be necessary to set up a business card in Google Moja Firma, thanks to which your store will appear not only at the top of Google results, but also on the map.


main photo: Christopher Gower/

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  • Connor Less 25.07.2022

    As a rule, it is, or rather, in my opinion, it should be, that one should not undertake activities of which one has no idea of the operation and effects. SEO is what the SEO agency is for, we should focus on achieving our business goals by working with it. This is the optimal and currently very popular solution. The SEO agency will first conduct an audit, and on the basis of this audit will implement actions that will improve the quality of our site. Good SEO will bring the first results after 3-4 months of cooperation. Over time, the cooperation will bring further results that we probably wouldn’t be able to achieve working on our own. The services of an SEO agency are not costly, in most cases, if someone talks about the huge budget needed for advertising, they are most likely getting it wrong, or trying to work on their own.

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